
Friday Sep 25, 2020
12 - Flowers, but Not in the Attic?
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
S01E12: The Victorian Language of Flowers (Floriography), Victorian Botanical Scrapbooks (Herbariums), and Seaweed Hunters.
This week, we learned that you can, in fact, send death threats to your enemies by way of harmless-looking flower bouquets. (Who knew?! Well, apparently the Victorians.) Then we meandered through the colorful world of botanical scrapbooking, which, for upper class Victorian women, turned out to be an unexpected pathway to independent adventures and a subtle way for them to be exposed to science at a time when they would otherwise be completely barred from that knowledge.
We also learned that seaweed collecting was an actual Thing. Because, apparently, it was. And one should always wear men’s boots while doing it.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/09/25/season-1-episode-12/

Friday Sep 11, 2020
11 - Knit One, Spy Two
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
S01E11: Wartime Crafting: Girl Guide Spies and Knitting in Codes
You've probably heard of the Girl Guides (and Girl Scouts), but did you know that they were properly badass in WWI and WWII? And, if knitting patterns have ever looked kind of like a secret code to you? Well, there might be a good reason for that!
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/09/11/season-1-episode-11/

Friday Aug 28, 2020
10 - You Want Me to Put What in That Bottle?!
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
S01E10: Witch Bottles and Tomb Curses.
Can we please all just agree not to open the tomb, drink the mystery liquid, or make glass bottles filled with nails and pins to explode in fires?
2020 doesn't need any excuses to get weirder or more terrifying, okay?
Show notes here: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/08/28/season-1-episode-10/

Friday Aug 14, 2020
09 - Was That One or Two Eyes of Newt?
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
S01E09: The History of Grimoires and How to Make One.
Join us today in the restricted area of the Curiosity Shop, where a squeaky old library cart holds grimoires aplenty!
Please note that the Curiosity Shop adheres to a strict no demon summoning policy to all browsers without proper credentials.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/08/14/season-1-episode-9/

Friday Jul 31, 2020
08 - If It Moves, Run!
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
S01E08: Mannequins, Automatons, and a Trip into Hell’s Own Uncanny Valley.
Did that automaton just move? And how long has that mannequin been standing behind me? Hello? Is anybody here?
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/07/31/season-1-episode-8/

Friday Jul 17, 2020
07 - Corsets: It’s a Cinch!
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
S01E07: Historical, Medical, and Modern Corsets.
In this episode, Haley and Natali discuss sexy potential death traps and boobs. So very many boobs.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/07/17/season-1-episode-7/

Friday Jul 03, 2020
06 - And That’s an Unwrap
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
S01E06: Making Mummies, Mummy Unwrapping Parties, and Mummy Brown Paint.
In this episode, Haley and Natali cuss out Victorian colonizers while unwrapping the oddly endearing mysteries of mummification. As one does.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/07/03/season-1-episode-6/

Friday Jun 19, 2020
05 - Dolls, Creepy Lil Bastards
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
S01E05: Frozen Charlotte Dolls and Victorian Mourning Dolls.
You know what situation both Haley and Natali will nope right on out of? Creepy dolls. Whether they’re ceramics inspired by a morbid cautionary tale or literal wax copies of Victorian children who passed too soon, there’s just something about these dolls--or any doll, really--that’s always just a tiny bit unsettling. So, come along with us in season 1, episode 5 of the Bones & Bobbins Podcast as we open one of our more securely locked cabinets in the Curiosity Shop and explore the sad origins and clever finishing techniques of Frozen Charlotte dolls, plus the many, many dolls and effigies made by mourning Victorians and modern makers.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/06/19/season-1-episode-5/

Friday Jun 05, 2020
04 - It Has Pockets!
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
S01E04: Victorian Chatelaines and the History of Pockets in Women’s Clothing.
In season 1, episode 04 of the Bones & Bobbins podcast, Natali explores the somewhat sinister and extremely infuriating history of pockets in women's garments, then Haley swoops in with the Victorian chatelaine, which, honestly, might be even better than having actual pockets. Of course, our listeners will be relieved to know that enterprising women had no trouble finding ways to harbor weapons in both.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/06/05/season-1-episode-4/

Friday May 22, 2020
03 - What Remains Can Be Seen
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
S01E03: Death Masks, the Unknown Woman of the Seine, and the Paris Catacombs.
Throughout history, death has always been the topic of SO MUCH art. But, in this episode, that art actually IS death itself. Settle in while Haley and Natali discuss the art and craft of death masks (complete with a tangent on rockstar naughty bits), and the never-ending endeavor of turning centuries of bones into architecture in the Paris Catacombs.
Show notes: https://www.bonesandbobbins.com/2020/05/22/season-1-episode-3/